ieBusinessKonzept - ieEdge


ieEdge gets a central function at Infinity-Economics and shall support the ieBusiness concept on the way to IE 2.0. ieEdge becomes the central interface in the exchange between the ieDAO, external partners and all stakeholders around the blockchain of Infinity-Economics.

Disadvantages of a DAO

The native blockchain of Infinity-Economics lacks central authorities due to DAO. Thus, potential partners and users think not to get accurate contacts from Infinity-Economics. Further, DAO members are not recognized as inherent contacts by Infinity-Economics (individually or in groups). Thus, there is a fear of not having legal certainty with a DAO-organized partner.

The reason is that the still new organization form "DAO" (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) is not really recognized anywhere in the world. It is not bindingly regulated, is (still) imprecisely defined, and the tasks of a DAO are interpreted differently. It is therefore difficult to integrate the DAO form of organization into legal norms.

The result

  • Project operators lack competent support
  • Exchanges lack legal certainty
  • Information centers like CMC, Coinpaprika etc. lack recognized contact points
  • Authorities and government-related bodies lack an address.

More disadvantages

  • Infinity-Economics as a DAO, has no standing to sue.
  • Copyright, authors rights, defamation and the like, cannot be sued.
  • All accessible information sources of ieEntities, such as websites, social media portals, etc., are operated "only" by individual, active DAO members.
  • Sites or portals as ieEntities, cannot be accredited, cannot be certified as official.
  • Corrections for misinformation cannot be enforced.
  • ieEntities run by individual DAO members can go offline at any time.
  • See, for example, the old domain "".

With ieEdge, these disadvantages are to be eliminated

With the establishment of ieEdge, presumably as a non-profit association, all disadvantages are to be eliminated. In doing so, ieEdge will act as a DAO member and will be evidence-based by the DAO through voting, to special tasks, mandates and be legitimized to tasks in place of the missing authorities.

So far the idea.

Support needed to establish ieEdge.

The ieKernTeam cannot and does not want to handle the tasks involved in founding ieEdge alone.
Main reason: ieEdge must be broadly supported by the ieDAO. The DAO must support and carry the idea. Therefore, the ieDAO must be involved in the decision-making process.

For an approval it is important that all in the multinational DAO to know and also to understand exactly the idea and the goal of ieEdge.

With the foundation, the legal issues must be clarified in detail and the appropriate corporate form for ieEdge must be determined. This will be one of the most important tasks for the founding team.

Furthermore, the founding team will work out the necessary key data, statutes and define the tasks of ieEdge. These will be presented to the ieDAO for discussion and ultimately a vote.

If the foundation of ieEdge is approved by the DAO, the founding team recruits the board of directors. Preferably from a pool of candidates filled or proposed by DAO members.

Financial support

Very important - it will not work without financial support. The official procedures, lawyers and other cost centers necessary for the foundation are never free of charge.

FIAT funds are too complicated. That is why a FIAT account is not provided.
Donations in Bitcoin are the fastest and easiest to handle and are therefore preferred.
To do so, note the donation accounts on the far right of the sidebar under "Donate to ieEdge".
We are very grateful for any donation.

Founding members

For the founding team (max. 5 - 6 persons) we are still looking for experts, if possible from ieDAO.
At least one or two persons will be provided by the ieKernTeam.
The more expertise the founding members bring, the more favorable the foundation can be.

The founding members work on a voluntary basis. Proven and justified costs or expenses can be reimbursed.

Supporters and honorable helpers

We have a guiding principle.

We see ourselves as a family business. We maintain a very familiar and friendly relationship with each other. The more helpers there are, the less time each person has to spend.
This is exactly what we want to be our great strength.

This kind of guiding principle applies to all skills, which are needed in a wide variety of areas. Marketing, copywriters, proofreaders, webmasters, programmers, lawyers, organizers etc. are only some of the necessary tasks.

The ieKernTeam supports you organizationally as well as technically.

The multinational DAO has the right to be informed.

In the DAO it is not always clear that obtaining information, is a fetching debt!

For this, information must also be offered.

A multinational DAO makes communication in different languages necessary. For the translation of documents, web pages (like this one) or for the presentation of information (e.g. in ieVideoMeeting) language talents in different languages are needed.

Guiding principle again:
The more languages, the more DAO members can be informed. The larger the number of translators, the lower the translation effort for each individual.

Are you ready to contribute to ieEdge?

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