ieCommunity Donation Accounts

We owe every single donation. By doing so, you help us to keep ieCommunity alive.

Your donations with XIN
ieCommunity thanks you!


XIN-UBUR-Q5Z5-ET6B-9B9A8 ieC-Donat


to ieWallet

Your donations with Bitcoin
ieCommunity thanks you!


1MQAqHqB2hqszmTgPiP12AZPuCK8Jy7waT - ieC-Donat


Yes, ieCommunity is not profit-oriented.
However, the operation, hosting and maintenance of the website, external developers, additional work, etc. are not free of charge.

For this purpose we have set up these two donation accounts XIN and Bitcoin.

We are thankful for every, bigger and smaller donation!

Enjoy being in the know!

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